Why You Should Choose Pet Cremation: A Compassionate and Personal Farewell

Losing a beloved pet can be an incredibly difficult experience. They become members of our family, and their passing leaves a void in our lives. As pet owners, we want to give them the best care possible, even after they have passed on. That's why choosing pet cremation as a final farewell for your furry friend can be a compassionate and personal choice. Honoring Their Memory Just like any other family member, our pets deserve to be remembered in the best way possible.

What to Know Before Your Pet Has Oral Surgery

Pets, just like humans, can suffer from dental problems that require surgery. Oral surgery is a common procedure that veterinarians perform to treat various dental problems, from tooth extractions to gum disease. If your pet is scheduled for oral surgery, it is important to prepare them not just physically but also emotionally. Here are some things you should know before your pet undergoes oral surgery. It’s important to fast your pet

3 Signs Your Cat Is Sick

If you're wondering about the signs of your cat being sick, you're probably doing so because you are noticing strange behavior in your cat. However, you may not know the specifics of spotting if something is wrong with your cat. Take a look at the biggest signs that your cat is not feeling well. Grooming If there's one thing everyone knows about cats, it is that they are meticulous when it comes to their grooming.

Reasons Why You Should Take Your Dog To The Vet Clinic

For some, owning a pet is nothing more than giving love, shelter, and food, but that's not all your pet needs. Your dog for instance needs other things such as healthcare from a professional veterinarian. It needs routine vaccines to help prevent illness and disease and it is also going to need a checkup from time to time, not to mention the grooming your dog is going to need as well.

Weird Dog Behaviors That Often Have Medical Causes

When your dog is behaving strangely, it is easy to laugh it off and say something like "silly Fido." In many cases, your dog may, indeed, just be acting silly. But some behaviors that dog owners tend to pass off as strange or silly are anything but. They're actually a sign that your dog is struggling with something medically. Here are some so-called weird dog behaviors that may actually mean you should call the vet.

Vaccinations And Treatments Your Pet Needs From An Animal Hospital

If you are a pet owner, you may notice that an increasing number of veterinarians are now expanding to be a full animal hospital. This allows the office to treat more of your animals needs. There is a range of services veterinarians are now offering at these animal hospitals. A few of the services are ones your pet needs to remain healthy. Here are some of those services and what you should know about each one.

Be Alert for These Signs That Your Rabbit Has a Hairball

Like many other animals, rabbits spend a lot of time grooming themselves. Frequent licking can cause them to consume their own hair, which can be problematic if it occurs in large amounts. This is because rabbits aren't capable of vomiting. Whereas a cat can throw up if it consumes too much of its own hair, a rabbit doesn't have this ability. When the animal has too much hair in its digestive system, medical intervention will be required.

Pica In Dogs: Frequently Asked Questions

From your flower garden to your child's toy box, your curious dog has always chewed on or even consumed items they should have not. However, did you know that if your dog compulsively eats items that are not food, it could actually be the sign of a more serious problem? Pica is a condition that is common in dogs and if your dog suffers from this condition, you need to seek veterinary assistance right away.

Subtle Signs Your Cat Needs Dental Work

If your cat seems unable to chew, or if you can see that they have lost a tooth, then of course you're going to take them to the cat dentist. But sometimes, dental problems in cats are not as obvious as you'd think. As a cat owner, you should also be watching for these more subtle signs your cat needs to see a veterinary dental specialist. Rubbing their mouth on things.

Six Things To Remember About Veterinary Treatment For A New Pet

It's important to start focusing on the health of a new pet immediately by making sure that your pet gets needed veterinary care from a young age. The following are six things to remember about veterinary treatment for a new pet.  Preventive care is essential It's always best to avoid veterinary health issues with preventive care rather than seeking treatment for veterinary health problems after they've already developed.  Focus on preventive treatment, including vaccinations and deworming.

Should You Be Concerned if Your Dog Is Vomiting?

When your pooch vomits (hopefully while outdoors), it's not necessarily a huge cause for concern. Of course, the frequency of vomit, along with the nature of vomit your dog has produced, can signify a problem. Read on to learn more about how to know when vomiting is no longer a casual symptom to ignore.  Your Dog's Behaviour Noting your dog's behavior before and after they vomit can be helpful in assessing the situation.

4 Things A Cat Dentist Can Do

Cats are natural carnivores. In the wild, felines eat fresh meat from their prey. All felines, even domestic cats, thrive on a diet high in protein. To fulfill their dietary needs, cats have sharp canine teeth that can be used to hunt and shred food. Domestic cats are more likely to use their teeth to crunch kibble and treats. No matter what lifestyle your cat leads, healthy teeth are important. A cat dentist can help you keep your cat's teeth healthy, intervening if any problems arise.

3 Potential Hazards To Pets That Your Child Needs To Know About

Do you have kids who have been begging to get a cat or a dog? Have you finally agreed that you'll get the pet that they want for an upcoming birthday, holiday, or another special occasion? Owning a pet is often a huge part of growing up. Your kids will be able to have many experiences that they wouldn't be able to have any other way. But while having a furry friend can be awesome, it's important to also teach your child how to make sure that the pet is healthy and is able to remain that way.

Doggie Dental Care: What You Need To Know

Your dog's teeth are just as important as your own. The American Veterinary Dental College reports that many dogs (and cats) show signs of periodontal disease as early as three years of age, so it is important that you don't overlook the importance of your canine's oral hygiene. One of the earliest signs of dental disease in dogs is bad breath, which is why it gets overlooked—after all, dog breath is not pleasant.

How Your Cat's Vaccines Protect Them From The Cat Equivalent Of HIV

When you take your cat to the veterinarian for a series of vaccinations, you're protecting them from a wide variety of illnesses. Everything from the common cold to rabies is warded off by proper vaccination, but that's not all. Cats can contract a virus very similar to human HIV, which can significantly impact their lives or even result in an early death. If you want to keep your kitty safe, read this guide on the one vaccine your kitty must receive and what it's protecting them from.

Alternative Medicine For Your Pet

Alternative and holistic medicine is becoming increasingly more popular for humans looking to find relief from a variety of ailments. Just as you can benefit from the non-invasive options offered by alternative medicine, your pet can benefit as well. Here are some popular alternative pet therapies that can improve your furry friend's quality of life in the future. Chiropractic Care Regular chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial in relieving muscle tension and increasing range of motion.

Why Are My Dog's Eyes Bloodshot And Cloudy?

A canine's eyes are a little different than a human's, with the iris of the eye taking up more space and leaving little white to see unless your pooch looks in a certain direction. If you notice that the white part around the iris of the eye is really red and your dog's eyes appear a bit cloudy, it can definitely be a little alarming. Most pet owners want to associate a cloudy appearance in their dog's eye with blindness, but there are a handful of conditions that can cause this kind of appearance in a dog's eye.

Preventative Care For Your Indoor Cats You Should Know About

When you are the owner of one or more indoor-only cats, you may wonder what type of veterinary care they may need on a regular basis. Most people do not take their indoor cats to the vet frequently and sometimes miss recommended vaccinations and routine exams because they assume their cats are safe inside. However, indoor cats, just like any other pet, need routine care to remain happy and healthy. Get to know some of the preventative care that you can provide to your indoor cats.

Have You Adopted A Shelter Dog? Tips For Settling In

Have you always owned dogs? If so, you probably already know that your new shelter dog will become part of the family. If you are new to pet ownership, prepare to fall deeply in love. If you're new at the game, from establishing a home routine to finding a vet, here are some ideas that might help you as you settle in with your new shelter dog. Find Out What Happened First: Try to get as much information as you can from the shelter where your dog was adopted.

Caring For A Seriously Or Terminally Ill Pet

When you have a seriously or terminally ill pet, its care can take an emotional toll on you and your family. While euthanasia may have crossed your mind, you may feel that you are not quite ready to reach that decision and choose to care for your pet as long as possible. If you go this route, there are some things you should know and do to give your pet the best quality of life possible.

Warning Signs Your Dog Needs A Teeth Cleaning

Taking care of your dog's dental health needs is important, but even families that maintain a regular schedule may see indications that a teeth cleaning is required now. Periodontal disease appears in pets five times as often as in humans. Looking out for these four warning signs may help you and your pup head off bigger problems. Bad Breath Dogs obviously have a reputation for breath that doesn't smell great, but you'll notice the difference between your canine's regular breath scent and something out of the ordinary.

Is Your Dog Limping? Things To Know And What To Do

When a family member is ill or injured, they can verbally tell you about their discomfort. Unfortunately, pets are not able to verbally describe how they are feeling, so you will need to watch them for signs. If you notice your dog is limping, do not panic. In most cases, limping is just a temporary way of your dog easing some minor discomfort. However, in some cases, limping could be a sign your dog is in distress.

Symptoms Of Diabetes In Cats And Treatments That Can Help

Cats are fun pets because of their independent nature and quirky behavior. However, your cat's personality can often make it difficult to know when a medical condition such as diabetes is developing. Cats aren't usually complainers, so you have to stay alert to changes in behavior as a signal that something is wrong. Here's a look at some symptoms of feline diabetes and how your veterinarian might treat it. Symptoms Of Diabetes In Cats

How To Take A Cat's Temperature

Unlike humans, cats are unfortunately limited to getting their temperature taken rectally. While it's not the most pleasant process for the cat or its human to go through, it's often a necessity and a valuable tool to determine if your cat is feeling ill. Learning how to do this can help your cat to get medical treatment quickly, so read this guide to find out how to do it the easiest way.

What It Means If Your Cat Is Meowing In The Litter Box

Cats are typically quiet animals while doing their business. It's a survival mechanism that helps them to avoid attracting predators while they're vulnerable. However, it doesn't always work this way. If your cat meows or cries frequently in the litter box, it may mean that there's a problem brewing. Read on to discover why your cat is doing this and what you need to do. Potential Causes Cats typically only cry or meow in the litter box for one reason: they're in pain.

Boarding Your Pet? Here's Why Doing It At The Vet Is Best

Leaving for a trip typically means finding someone to care for your pets. If you're inclined to board your pets, you should know that doing so at a vet's office is the best idea. Even though there are many pet boarding facilities that aren't connected to a veterinarian's office, here's the three reasons why the vet's office beats them. They Have Your Pet's Records If you take your pet to be boarded at your vet's office, you're working with staffers (and the vet) who already know your pet.

Ready To Welcome Your Homestead's First Calf? What To Do Now To Ensure You Are Really Ready

Whether you are sharing your homestead with a couple of cows to supply milk and meat or just so your family can enjoy some bovine company, the arrival of a first calf is sure to be a milestone event. Cows, like most other domesticated livestock, typically manage very well on their own when giving birth, but it is still important for homesteaders to make a few preparations to offer them the best possible calving environment.

What You Can Do If Your Dog Is Having A Seizure

Seizures can be scary whether it's a human having one or your family pet. If a human is having one you would normally call 9-1-1, but this isn't an option for your pet. You'll need to care for your pet while he is going through his seizure. After his seizure, you can call your veterinarian to let them know it occurred. While your dog is having his seizure there are things you can do to help make him more comfortable.

4 Signs That It's Time To Take Your Cat To The Vet

If you are a cat owner, it is important that you know and recognize the signs that your cat is ill and needs medical attention. Cats often display behaviors that signal that they are on the verge of a major illness. It is up to you to pay attention so that you recognize the signs that your cat needs to visit a veterinary clinic. Not Eating For A Few Days

Tips For Getting Your Cat With Kidney Disease To Eat

When cats are going through kidney disease, the appetite often takes a hit. This is typically because nausea and a lack of appetite are one of the main side effects of blood toxicity rising. Since the kidneys don't process your cat's blood as well as they used to, your kitty may lose its appetite. However, it still needs to eat! If you're having trouble with this, try these tips. Appetite Stimulants